Grounded in the best-selling book by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge, this workshop affirms that leadership can be defined, measured, and learned. At the heart of the program, the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI®) is a concise, research-based, and time-tested 360 assessment that measures how frequently participants exercise The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. 

With this information, individuals at any level and in any organization can identify precisely where they excel as leaders and where they have opportunities to improve.

  • Leadership Measured, Leadership Learned

    Grounded in the best-selling book by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge, the workshop posits that leadership can be defined, measured, and learned. At the heart of the program, the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI®) is a concise, research-based, and time-tested 360 assessment that measures how frequently participants exercise The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. With this information, individuals at any level and in any organization can identify precisely where they excel as leaders and where they have opportunities to improve.

  • Evidence-Based, Research-Driven Model

    The Leadership Challenge Workshop® and the Leadership Practices Inventory® are derived from 40 years of reliable research, offering a tried and true model you can trust. The authors have collected over 5,000 individual case studies, and the LPI database houses over one million responses from global leaders and their observers.

  • The Dynamic Difference

    At Dynamic Perspectives, we are proud certified masters of The Leadership Challenge® Workshop and offer a 2-day-long leadership development experience centered on the evidence-based Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, which serves as a foundational framework for new managers, high potentials, and executive leaders.

    This comprehensive framework can be transformational for even the most seasoned executives. This work has catalyzed profound leadership transformation in organizations of all sizes and industries worldwide, including numerous Global Fortune 500 corporations, non-profit organizations, healthcare, government, and educational institutions. Participants experience and apply The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® through large and small group discussions, personal reflection, and research from the Leadership Challenge.

    This experiential workshop involves the participants from day one, encouraging individuals to reflect upon their leadership behaviors during a whole-group debrief of the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI®), introducing each of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®, the foundations of the program and the workshop.

    Through group work, discussions, and self-study, participants complete the workshop with an increased awareness of how they can better lead their teams and return to their organization with a personal action plan for implementing the practices in their daily lives.

    In addition to the 360-assessment, we are happy to offer post-workshop coaching with our Certified Masters to foster continued leadership growth and support leaders as they implement these practices.